No matter what kind of flavor you are looking for when seasoning your foods, sea salt is an excellent choice. Your culinary talents can be further developed by experimenting with different kinds of sea salt. Be adventurous and experiment by adding different varieties with different intensities of flavor to various dishes. Season your foods with kosher salt, because it is a very healthy choice. This type of salt contains no chemicals or unhealthy ingredients. It is a great alternative for you to use, especially if you are not too fond of artificial seasonings.
Season your foods with kosher salt for maximum flavor. No matter what kind of flavor you want to add to your food, customize your three pack of roasted sea salt from more than 30 selections! Despite your personal preference, this three pack provides the perfect blend of flavors for all occasions to try.
Roasted Vegetables. Roasted vegetable dishes are a perennial favorite for parties, thanks in part to the ability of using sea salt to bring out the natural flavor of the vegetables. From salads to fish to seafood, roasting vegetables is a versatile way to dress up your favorite dishes. To make this method more interesting, try using different herbs to infuse the flavor into the food. For example, roast an onion on a hot fire until the onion “burns,” then roast another onion, add Rosemary and oregano. Serve the roasted vegetables with pasta as the main course or a side dish, and enjoy the wholesomeness that is naturally infused into each dish.
Seafood Drinks Rimmer. Cooked seafood is always a crowd-pleaser, and it’s also a surprisingly easy way to incorporate sea salt into your seafood recipes. Use sea salt to add a fresh, salty twist to a vinaigrette-rich dish, then whisk in a bit of lime juice and lemon juice for a cocktail recipe that is both bright and fresh. This method works great for shrimp cocktails, chicken fajitas, and salmon fish.
Refined Seafood. If you love shrimp, seafood, or other seafood from freshwater, you may find yourself gravitating toward a dish that utilizes refined sea salt instead of the customary table salt. This method works best with whitefish, tuna, trout, or salmon. Salt from refined sea salt has a more refined texture, but it also works better with a delicate blend of flavors that are difficult to find elsewhere.
Unrefined Seafood. For those who prefer their seafood fresh, unrefined sea salt works well. The moisture content of unrefined sea salt is less than that of table salt, but its flavor is rich and robust, retaining much of the freshness of the fish or shellfish. A favorite of restaurant chefs and home cooks alike, unrefined sea salt can be found at specialty food stores as well as many supermarkets.
Dead Sea Salt. Another variety of sea salt, dead sea salt comes from the Dead Sea, an area of high elevation that lying between the Jordan and the Mediterranean. It contains an unusually high amount of magnesium and potassium — characteristics which make it a highly recommended salt for use in many Eastern cooking techniques. As one of the world’s largest concentrations of salt bodies, the Dead Sea salt is highly mineralized and is therefore highly beneficial as an absorbent. However, it is loaded with heavy metals like iron, whose presence in the body can cause cancer.
Iodized Sea Salt. Iodized sea salt functions as an ion exchange salt — removing positively charged ions (Ca++) from the ocean water and introducing negatively charged ions (Pb++). Ionic salt also helps increase the stability of our cells (which may have been affected by our environment’s acidity levels). Because it does not release or add up salt to the water, it is great for increasing the flavor and nutritive value of food — as well as preventing botulism and other diseases. Like all forms of ionic salts, however, the negative health effects of iodine poisoning are not immediate or noticeable, but they are long-lasting and potentially irreversible.