Abstract hip hop is an interesting subgenre that eschews many of the genre’s conventions and is often more obscure both lyrically and sonically. Rather than focusing on everyday problems or braggadocio, abstract artists tend to focus on social institutions and abstract ideas.
Lyrics are more engagingly cryptic and oblique than typical hip hop, often employing metaphors and extensive word choice to convey their ideas. Music is more experimental, incorporating unconventional beats and production techniques that are similar to those of avant-garde music.
The emergence of abstract hip hop can be traced to the 2000s, when underground hip hop began to take shape. In these times, hip hop has become an important tool for poor, marginalized youth to express their thoughts and feelings about their lives.
Rap has also influenced politics worldwide. In the United States, rappers have been accused of perpetuating stereotypes of violence and intimidation. These fears were reinforced by conservative media and political leaders such as Ronald Regan who believed that hip hop portrayed a violent image of black men.
In Europe, rap music was viewed with apprehension. Critics felt that the repetitive rhythms and restricted use of harmony in rap songs reflected a lower form of musical culture, and that these aspects constituted an inferior type of music.
The genre has also been used to convey negative images of black men and women, such as those depicted in the 1990s film “Rap Rage.” In this movie, hip hop stars were shown with facial expressions and hand gestures that resembled violent or aggressive behavior. The music critics thought this was a way to scare the white people and black people in the middle class into not buying or listening to the music.